Knot Dolls
This Knot Doll is for the really little ones.
It's also a cute gift, available in Do It Yourself kits or already made.
The kit includes two different pieces of fabric. One big square and one big stripe for the hat.
You can also find an 'underhead', which is already made and which is filled with washed organic sheepwool.
Besides there is yarn in the matching colour and of course the instructions.
For more visuals and (if you can read dutch) background information, visit the chapter about the 'Knooppop' on the Website: Zonnenkindpoppen basishandeling.
The Knot Dolls are available in different materials and colours:
flannel: rose, yellow, blue, green and red
silk: rose, yellow and blue
If the Knot Doll in flannel is already made, the price is 30€ and for a Knot Doll in a kit, the price is 15€. The Knot Doll in silk costs 18€ in form of a DIY packet.